Was Sherlock Romantic?

With Valentine's Day being celebrated this Friday, we wonder how long has it been labelled as a day to show your love for someone? Known as the Feast Day of St Valentine, the celebration of love and affection, it is observed by people in many countries and religions, with the Orthodox Church celebrating it in June or July. The Feast of Saint Valentine was established in AD 496 by Pope Gelasius to be celebrated on 14th February, in honour of the Christian martyr Saint Valentine of Rome who died on that date. Valentine’s Day is a very old tradition, and the Romans had a festival called Lupercalia in the middle of February, officially the start of springtime!

Sherlock Holmes was not a romantic man, supposedly being asexual, emotionless machine with no feelings of attraction or sensory enjoyment in the female form, other than to gain information. Sherlock did harbour a platonic admiration for Irene Adler's wit and cunning, so he was charmed by her, but Irene only featured in the short story 'A Scandal in Bohemia'. If Sherlock ever mentions her she is called 'the woman' nothing else.

There is a lot of gossip about John and Sherlock being in love, so making Johnlock, which irritates a lot of people especially the co-creators of the BBC hit Sherlock, Gatiss and Moffat; who are sick of even talking about it! Watson and Sherlock worked well together as a pair because they are so different in deducting crimes, but there is a human love between them as they trust and care for each other; Sherlock tells Watson he only has one friend in the world. Before his wedding to Mary, Watson asked Sherlock to be his best man which Sherlock found confusing, as to be someone's best friend didn't make sense to him. Sherlock did make one vow at the wedding to always and forever be there for John and Mary.

Sherlock was also a druggie, as his brilliant mind will destroy itself if left alone, and by solving crimes it is the only way he can keep his mind working 24/7, or dim his mind with drugs. Watson always appeared in time, and Sherlock knew that he had saved his life so many times.

There are many other instances where Watson helped Sherlock, not so much with the cases, but by keeping Sherlock aware of how he could help him through their strong friendship.

The only other female that Sherlock loved is Mrs Hudson, the landlady. It is not passionate love but a polite, respectful love you may feel for someone who keeps the house clean and tidy! Mrs Hudson is very fond of Sherlock as he is considerate and gentle towards her, but can be very untidy and quite irregular in his life. Watson describes her as a good cook keeping food on the table and the tea brewing.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Tania Henzell