Sherlock Holmes Tartan and the 2023 Baker Street Irregulars Weekend

To start 2023, our Scottish designer Tania represented Sherlock Holmes Tartan at the 90th annual gathering of the Baker Street Irregulars, the oldest literary society in the world dedicated to Sherlock Holmes. This event sees hundreds of Sherlockians from all across the globe coming together to celebrate the official birthday of Sherlock Holmes on 6th January (supposedly).

Our Scottish designer did not need much convincing to attend the event. As you can probably imagine, being at an event in New York City dedicated to Sherlockians, to represent our signature green and blue tartan, Tania was in her element. We wish our whole collective of dedicated Sherlockians and Secret Society members could have gone too. We decided to give you all the next best thing in this article, by giving you exclusive behind the scenes access to Tania’s travels to New York for the 2023 Baker Street Irregulars Weekend.

What is the Baker Street Irregulars weekend?

If you consider yourself a fellow Sherlockian and you somehow have not heard of the legendary Baker Street Irregulars and their renowned Weekend, let me give you a bit of background. Every January the Baker Street Irregulars host an exclusive dinner that is only attended by BSI members and specially invited guests. 

Founded in 1934 by Christopher Morely, the BSI was the first Sherlockian literary society in the world! They create an extensive range of scholarship related to Sherlock Holmes, and are well known for hosting exquisite Sherlockian events.

However, the event in its entirety is not exclusive to special guests. Over the weekend the BSI hosts a variety of weekend events that are open to the public and all Sherlockians, new and old. There is usually a good mix of formal and informal events, so there is something for every Sherlockian to enjoy and the opportunity to mingle with other Sherlock fans.

Representing Sherlock Holmes Tartan at a global Sherlockian event

Before Tania could embark on her fun filled Sherlock spree, she had to contain her excitement momentarily to do what she does best. Our Scottish designer represented the Sherlock Holmes Tartan brand in an interview by a journalist from Women’s Wear Daily, a top fashion magazine in NY. Then on Saturday, Tania was posted up at the Westin Grand Hotel where there is a Vendors Room and a selection of signature items from the Sherlock Holmes Tartan collection were on sale.

Sherlock Holmes Tartan at the Baker Street Irregulars weekend

The 2023 Baker Street Irregulars Weekend was superb from start to finish. On Thursday Tania was invited to attend the literary awards for books and poems on Sherlock, which was held at 'The Mysterious Bookshop' in lower Manhattan. Unsurprisingly there was a strong turn out and Sherlockians were spoiled for choice with the entire back wall of the book shop being totally devoted to books about Sherlock.

That very same evening many people attended a fascinating talk from Distinguished Speaker, Lakshmi Krishnan, MD, Ph.D. Dr. Krishnan presented the underlying theory of her book, The Doctor and the Detective. She explained to us that the medical practice of diagnosis cannot be understood without examining its shared linkage with the genre of detective fiction. Lakshmi is also working on a cultural and intellectual history of diagnosis and detective practices that takes place in the 150 years leading up to World War II.

The William Gillette lunch and the annual BSI dinner

I mentioned earlier that the annual BSI dinner is an invitation only event. However one of the best things about the whole weekend is the inclusivity of all Sherlockians. The William Gillette lunch is for all Sherlockians and partners, and took place at Connolly's bar on Friday. It was lovely to see so many Sherlock fans coming together to socialise, eat and share their enthusiasm for Sherlockian culture. This event really rounded off the wholesome community vibe and even allowed for a few fellow Sherlockians to showcase their acting skills during a short sketch!

In the evening, the BSI Dinner was held as usual by invitation only at the Yale Club and it is every Sherlockian's dream to attend. It truly is a historical event now since the first BSI Dinner took place in New York City in 1934, and the annual tradition has continued since 1940. Only BSI members can attend and every year, six Sherlockians are invited to become BSI members, where they are given an Investiture Title from one of the 60 Sherlock Holmes books. How exciting! I know all of my fellow Sherlockians can relate when I say that to attend an event like this is quite literally a dream come true!

Celebrating with fellow Sherlockians at the BSI weekend

However not all the events at the BSI weekend are as elegant and formal as this. Sherlockians like to party too! 'Lost in New York with a bunch of Sherlockians' is a fantastic evening, hosted at an Irish pub. Sherlockians come together for food and put their trivia to the test in a quiz on the Sherlock Holmes books. On Friday and Saturday night, Sherlockians get together at Rosie Dunn’s Irish pub to celebrate Sherlock’s birthday by having a wee tipple at 2.21am, in recognition of Sherlock’s supposed address, 221 Baker Street. 

We also attended another fantastic little Irish pub called McSorley's, after the Mysterious Bookshop event. It’s the oldest pub in New York and its authentic old school vibe is totally unmatched.  They only serve ales, light or dark in small glass tankards and there is even sawdust on the floor! If you enjoy ale, this is the place for you and I strongly recommend you look it up if your going to New York anytime soon.

All in all, the BSI 2023 weekend was a roaring success. We were able to bring a bit more Sherlockian charm to the lives of all those who attended by introducing them to our elegant collection of tartan garms and accessories. More importantly however, Tania was able to connect with more of you, our fellow Sherlockians!

If you know any Sherlock fans that could do with some new additions to the wardrobe, browse our luxurious range of Sherlock inspired green and blue tartan.

Tania Henzell